Tag: leadership

Characteristics Of A Great Manager

Characteristics Of A Great Manager | Get Frank Consulting

Characteristics Of A Great Manager According to Merriam-Webster, some of the synonyms of the word ‘manage’ are control, govern, guide, and direct. When most people think of a manager at a place of business, they usually associate the job description with the first two synonyms – controlling and governing others. However, effective managers take on the characteristics…

3 Ways to Motivate Your Employees

3 Ways to Motivate Your Employees

3 Ways to Motivate Your Employees Imagine how much more productive your team would be if your employees were motivated. How much easier would your job as the boss be if motivated employees were the norm in your company? The truth is that it can be. With these 3 strategies, you can motivate your employees…

5 Ways to Rock a High Stakes Presentation

5 ways to Rock a High Stakes Presentation

5 Ways to Rock a High Stakes Presentation In the business world, there are many variations of high-stakes presentations. From pitching your startup to venture capitalists, pitching your project to the C-Suite, presenting your ideas to a conference or at a TED talk, presentations come in many shapes and forms. The more success you seek…

What is Failure, Anyway?

Failure is not a word many of us like to hear. Just reading the word makes us cringe, forcing us to think back to a time in our life where we may have failed. Usually, not a time we think of fondly. In truth, failure gets a bad rap. It is a completely normal part of…

Why Micromanagement Doesn’t Work


Feeling overworked, frustrated and unsupported by your team? Micromanagement might be the issue. Micromanagers are often responsible for stifling productivity, innovation and happiness at work. Unfortunately many micromanagers don’t even realize they’re doing it, or that they’re holding their own team back. Read on to recognize the warning signs of micromanagement and learn effective leadership…